We woke up a little early than we were supposed to as we had to pack our stuff. We brushed our teeth, washed our faces, changed and packed everything into our luggage and hand-carry bags. Our teachers didn't forget us today and he knocked on our doors so that we could go down for breakfast. We squeezed in all our luggages with us in the lift. When we were in the lobby, most of our friends were already there. We left our luggages at a side before heading for breakfast.
Our last meal in Perth was Pizza at a restaurant. :( I would really miss Perth and it's nice weather and nice people and nice neighbourhoods. :) It was really peaceful (at least to us) and it was a fun trip. When we got back to Singapore, we have to start the enormous pile of homework waiting for us to come back. We got to the airport and had a toilet break before the luggage check-in. We boarded the plane. I had to sit next to another boy but was right next to the window.:) The plane taxied and took off. I saw Perth from up in the plane. It was a nice view, all the nice houses and parks and hardly any high buildings. As we went higher, I realised that the plane seemed to be making a U-turn before heading to Singapore. Australia was so big that even from that height you couldn't see the entire of Australia. It was more of a afternoon flight so we didn't feel like sleeping. Soon, we went up so high that the clouds were all below us. It was very cold outside the plane as we were so high. A few of us ended up changeling each other on a spelling game. We had dinner shortly after that the plane was about to land. I could see the entire of Singapore even though we were only a few metres from the ground. There many bright lights and high buildings that I could see. :( Back to all the homework. :(
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