Today, we woke up late!!!! We woke up 15 mins before the time we were suppose to assemble! We all rushed and thankfully, (:D) we reached there just in time. We weren't even the last ones! :)
We had breakfast and we thanked the owners for making our meals and arranging the activities for us. I liked the farm as it was very peaceful and so different from what all of us see everyday. :') It was a 2 hour drive from the farm to the school so we slept as we had to wake up very early today. We were going to our first school, Anzac Terrace Primary School. :) I was very curious how they studied.
The teachers warned us not to speak to fast( like how we speak Singlish....) and not to say 'huh' so many times. -.- It was a fairly cold day and as we were in school uniform( Girls in pinafores and the boys in shorts), we were quite cold. The school was extremely different from ours. :0 Their entirely school was single storey, our school was 4 storeys high; they had many playgrounds and a big field, our school didn't have any playgrounds and we had a field probably half the size of theirs; they bring their own food to school for recess, we had a canteen where we bought our food; their classrooms were colourfully decorated and their buildings were made of bricks, our school buildings were made of cement and our classrooms were mostly grey or blue. And although they had uniforms, their rules were very different. They focus on sports alot, and our school focused on studying all the time.:(
We went to the Caversham Wildlife park next. We went for lunch before entering the park itself. Our lunch was this huge burger with many fries and either a brown or blue ice-blended drink. No one really knew what they were so I just took the brown drink. I guess it was like Pepsi or coke flavoured. The burger was so big that i could not even finish it! :S I felt guilty about wasting food, but it was just so BIG! So, i had to throw it away. :( I was lucky didn't take the blue drink, cause the people that did, their tongues all turned blue. <:D even some of the teachers' tongues were blue. (hahaha<:D)

Our guide was a nice lady who showed us around the park. We got to see the kangaroos, we were very excited as we got to feed them.:) I think the kangaroos really have a nice life, being fed by people while lying around. :| Their home was a grassy field with trees and a path in the centre. They ate quite slowly. Their tails and feet were kinda long and when they hopped around they would swish their tails here and there. :) After the kangaroos was the wombat. It was kinda cute and we took pictures with it. We saw the koalas next. Koalas sleep 20 hours a day! Nice life. ':\ But when we got there, a few of them were awake and we patted them on their backs. We took a lot of photos. Next were the Tasmanian devils. They were kinda small to be devils but i think they were just cubs. Their teeth were sharp and it came towards us when we were taking pictures. :\ Next was the best. The souvenir shop1 :) My friend and I decided to put money together to buy a bag for my friend. It had many colourful cartoon pictures of the animals. :)We reached the New Esplanade Hotel and checked in. My room had 4 of us. We stayed on the 4th floor. The 4th floor only had 2 rooms occupied by us. 4 girls in one room, and 4 boys in the other. The rest of my friends were on the 5th floor with some teachers. We were told to change into long pants as we were going for a walk and it would be quite cold as it was close to evening. We put our luggage on the rack and took out our long pants or jeans. I climbed out of my pinafore and put on my jeans. I also kept my shorts at one side for tomorrow. We(the girls and boys on the 4th floor.) decided to go down once we were ready. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the rest came down with the teachers. We walked quite a distance and we reached a restaurant selling Malay Food! Most of us missed eating rice and we gobbled down the food. We laughed until all the rest were staring at us cause we were talking about our weird sleeping habits.
We went to the supermarket next and I bought a packet of biscuits to share. We didn't eat it that night but we did our work on the UMPCs. Unfortunately, due to my clumsiness, i forgot to save it before closing the window. :( Although we were suppose to sleep at 10.00pm, we only slept as 10.30pm as the teachers were a little late to collect the UMPCs.That night, all 4 of us decided to sleep together on the queen size bed for fun. But it wasn't so fun after all. :\